Privacy, Accountability and Trust – Challenges and Opportunities
In the study, we focus on some of the available technologies and research results addressing privacy and data protection and topics related to, or influencing privacy, such as consent, accountability, trust, tracking and profiling. The objective is to provide a comprehensive and realistic view of both limitations generated and possibilities provided by technologies in the case of personal data protection rights.
- Published
- Authors
- Authors, in alphabetic order:, Claude Castelluccia - INRIA, France, Peter Druschel - Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany, Simone Fischer Hübner - Karlstad University, Sweden, Slawomir Gorniak - ENISA, Demosthenes Ikonomou - ENISA, Aljosa Pasic - Athos Origin, Spain, Bart Preneel - K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Hannes Tschofenig - NSN, Finland, Rodica Tirtea - ENISA
- Language