
Site News

Preparing for the unknown - A peek into Cyber Europe

ENISA is supporting Member States to cope with major cybersecurity crises with its flagship Cyber Europe programme. Five years after the first ever European wide cyber exercise, Cyber Europe evolved into a unique multinational crisis simulation which immerses participants into the unknown.

ENISA at Omnicard

Udo Helmbrecht, ENISA’s Executive Director, will be participating at the Main Forum at the Omnicard event in Berlin on Wednesday 21st January, 2015, on the panel on “Secure identities - an effective tool to increase information security?” (“Sichere Identitäten - eine wirksame Maßnahme für mehr Informationssicherheit!?”) .

Impact Analysis and Roadmap on supporting CERTs

ENISA has published the “Impact Analysis and Roadmap” report on supporting the Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) community, for the period of 2005-2014, and proposes a “Roadmap” up until 2020. The report is targeted at policy and decision-making bodies, EU institutions responsible for the CERT EU Member State policy agenda, as well as experts and the CERT community itself.

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