
Site News

New CERTs Inventory and updated map now available

ENISA’s new, updated and expanded Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) Inventory now includes 222 CERTs. This is 13 teams more than the number reported at the previous update, in June 2013. The number shows the continuing expansion of CERTs teams across Europe, while at the same time reflecting ENISA’s more detailed CERT mapping.

ENISA new good practice guide for CERTs - Issuing alerts, warnings and announcements

ENISA has launched today (25th November) a new good practice guide that complements the existing set of ENISA guides for supporting Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs, also known as CSIRTs). The new guide describes good practices and provides practical information and guidelines for the process of preparing and issuing alerts, warnings and announcements to a CERT’s constituency.

ENISA at “Cloud for Europe” in Berlin

ENISA Director, Prof. Udo Helmbrecht is speaking today (14th November) in the panel on “Enabling Trust in Cloud Computing”, at the "Cloud for Europe" event (C4E) that is taking place in Berlin, on 14-15 of November.

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