
Site News

ENISA organises SecureCloud 2014

For the third time ENISA, together with Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and Fraunhofer-FOKUS, will organise SecureCloud, a European conference with a specific focus on cloud computing security, on 1-2 April 2014, in Amsterdam.

Cyber Security Month kicks off to win!

European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is now under way, with the formal kick off event happening today (11th October) in Brussels. Around 90 participants from institutions, academia, industry are meeting to discuss ECSM and the European policy context.

ENISA at the TREsPASS project

ENISA’s Head of Core Operations Department, Dr Steve Purser is on the Advisory Board of TREsPASS, attending its meeting in Tallinn, on 4th September. TREsPASS stands for Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security.

European Cyber Security Month - ENISA ED Austrian media briefing

ENISA Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, today (11th July 2013) took part in a special media briefing on the forthcoming European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). The event was organised in Vienna by Digital Austria - the coordination and strategy committee of the Federal Government for eGovernment in Austria. The briefings also covered security in Cloud computing.

1 month visit to ENISA by Polish DPA members through Da Vinci Programme

ENISA hosted two members of the Polish Data Protection Authority , Ms.Beata Batorowicz and Ms.Dorota Sitek, throughout June. They were seconded to the Agency’s Information Security and Data Protection Unit, in ENISA’s branch office in Athens. During their visit the guests brought valuable knowledge from their organisation, got involved in projects run by ENISA and learned about new working methods and terminologies.

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