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Just published: Summarising report of successful first pilot European Cyber Security Month

The report provides a synthesis of the results of the successful European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). This was the first, pilot project which took place across Europe throughout last October 2012, and a point of the EU-USA Summit's Working Group on Cyber Security roadmap. The report gives an overview of the security-related weeks organised at national level by the eight participating countries - the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom, and supported by Latvia and the Council. It furthermore describes ENISA's role as coordinator of the organisation of the ECSM; and finally identifies a set of lessons learned which could be applied to future ECSMs.

Report looks at improving emergency communications

Communications technology is an essential for emergency services to respond to crisis situations. The way that organisations communicate, both internally, and externally with other emergency responders, can make the difference between a serious situation developing into a crisis that can have life-changing or even fatal consequences.

Investing in Security for ROI?

ENISA's new report "Return On Security Investment" initiates a discussion among the ‘Digital Fire Brigades’ or Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) to create the basic tools and best practices to calculate their Return on Security Investment (ROSI) while it can operate as a tool to justify their business need and existence through their financial added value.

ENISA publishes Work Programme 2013

ENISA's Work Programme for 2013 has now been published. The programme is the result of a consultation process involving both the ENISA Permanent Stakeholder Group (PSG) and Management Board (MB). This process has enabled the Agency to increase its focus on areas that are both strongly aligned with the European policy agenda and also considered as core areas of competency for the Agency.

New report on Supply Chain Integrity launched

Supply chain integrity (SCI) in the ICT industry is a topic that is receiving attention from both the public and private sectors (i.e. vendors, infrastructure owners, operators, etc.) as part of a wider review of supply chain control, and the increased demands for security is vital both for the economy and society.

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