Cybersecurity skills - Using the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework to sustain cybersecurity workforce

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The webinar aims to highlight how ENISA is going to sustain the effort to build a cybersecurity workforce, through the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) and its application

The lack of qualified cybersecurity professionals in the labour market represents an issue for both economic development and national security, especially in the rapid digital transformation of the global economy. While various initiatives related to cybersecurity skills have been proposed and multiple actions have been launched to address the problems, the cybersecurity skills gap persist.

The European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) aims to create a common understanding of the roles, competencies, skills and knowledge needed in order to address the cybersecurity skills gap, by and for individuals, employers and training providers across the EU Member States. Additionally, the ECSF will aid in the further facilitation of cybersecurity-related skills' recognition and support the design of cybersecurity-related training programmes for skills and career development. Ultimately, the ECSF will support employment and employability in cybersecurity related positions.

Attendees walk away with:

  • Basic knowledge of the ECSF (principles, vision, structure)
  • Insights on how different organizations are planning to use the ECSF
  • Information regarding next steps and events related to the ECSF


  • Marianna Kalenti - ENISA


  • Fabio Di Franco - ENISA
  • Athanasios Grammatopoulos - ENISA
  • Vladlena Benson - Cyber Security Innovation Partnership Aston University
  • Jutta Breyer - Breyer publico consulting
  • Sara García Bécares -INCIBE - Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute
  • Markku Korkiakoski - Netox Ltd
  • Paresh Rathod - Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland

How to participate

No registration is necessary. You can participate in the webinar by clicking the link below, which will become active a few minutes before the start of the broadcast. You may also ask questions, by posting them in the comments’ section.

The webinar will be recorded and made available on our YouTube Channel after the broadcasting.

Further information can be found at: