All events
12th CyCLONe Officers meeting
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - CyCLONe Officers meeting
21st CSIRTs Network Meeting
EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2
E.DSO/ENCS/ENISA/ ENTSO-E Conference on Power Grids Cybersecurity
Join us for the 6th Edition of the Cybersecurity Event hosted by ENISA, titled "European energy grids' security in a changed landscape – closing the skills gap and getting prepared."
CyCLONe Executives meeting
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - CyCLONe Executive meeting
11th CyCLONe Officers meeting
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - CyCLONe Officers meeting
20th CSIRTs Network Meeting
EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2
19th CSIRTs Network meeting
EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2
10th CyCLONe Officers meeting
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - CyCLONe Officers meeting
9th CyCLONe Officers meeting
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - CyCLONe Officers meeting