Celebrating #EU60 years of the Treaties of Rome

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Events are taking place across Europe for the celebration of the 60 years of the Treaties of Rome.

On March 25th 1957, the Treaties of Rome was signed by the governments of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The Commission is celebrating the 60th anniversary with a number of events and activities.

European Commission: The main event organised by the Commission will be Citizens' Dialogue with the HRVP Mogherini on 24 March between 12.00 and 13.30 in the Acquario di Roma in central Rome. The Dialogue, to be attended by 250-300 citizens and (mainly) Erasmus students in Rome, will be focused on the options for the future of the EU, and the difference that the EU should make for the future generations.

The Directorate-General for Education and Culture organises a Jean Monnet Seminar "The Future of Europe: a commitment for You(th)" on 23 and 24 March. The Seminar will be attended by around 100 participants, mainly Jean Monnet professors and youth representatives.

The Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) organise the Digital Day, a high-level event with five Commissioners and ministers from all Member States, on 23 March. Check the agenda: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/agenda-digital-day-rome-2017

In all EU Member States events are being organised by the EC Representations. A list of these events is available on the inter-institutional webpage dedicated to the 60th Anniversary  in the section "Find events in your country".

EU Institutions: Events will be organised also by other EU Institutions. A list of these events is available on the inter-institutional webpage dedicated to the 60th Anniversary  .The Italian Government will host and organise different events to promote the 60th anniversary. A list of such events is available on the website of the Italian department for European Politics.

Furthermore, don’t miss:

  • Video  testimonials about Europe reflecting the diversity of  citizens and languages in all Member States and three EU Delegations (Bangkok, UN-New York, Rabat).
  • GIF competition – EU GIF story: Participants are invited to create a GIF based upon AV Service's archive material, which will depict a series of historical moments in the EU's history. All #EU60 GIFs will ultimately be shared with the Commission's social media and ultimately be hosted on the European Commission's Giphy Profile.  Winners to be announced on 23 March

  • EU60in60: a 60 second time-lapse video clip giving a glimpse of EU history, spanning from today until the signing of the Treaty of Rome. The clip features the main political milestones of EU integration, as well as major social-cultural events over that period. Link to the clip: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/player.cfm?sitelang=en&ref=I133251
  • Documentary  clip  telling the story of the EU's integration since the signing of the      Treaties of Rome.

All above audio-visual material will be hosted and available for download on the European Commission's Audiovisual Service focus page.


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via Instagram from 25 March! Share pictures, paintings, photos of the EU flag under a common hashtag.  Update profile pictures to one, bearing the EU60 Visual Identity. When tweeting the hashtag #EU60 an EU flag will appear.

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Related material

Inter-institutional  page about the 60th anniversary (available in all EU languages)

European Commission's Audiovisual Service focus page about the 60th anniversary (in EN and FR).

Website of the Italian Government about the 60th anniversary (available in IT, EN and FR)

The European Story – 60 years of shared progress (available in EN)

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