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ENISA Threat Landscape 2016 report: cyber-threats becoming top priority

ENISA’s Threat Landscape 2016 (ETL 2016) released today is the fifth consecutive yearly report summarizing the top cyber threats encountered in 2016.

Attacks on ICS-SCADA: How to protect critical infrastructures

ENISA publishes a study on the "Communication network dependencies for ICS-SCADA Systems". The report identifies good practices and recommendations to help the security of ICS-SCADA against cyber threats.

Securing smart cars today; for safer autonomous cars tomorrow

ENISA publishes a study on the "Cyber security and resilience of smart cars". The report identifies good practices and recommendations to ensure the security of smart cars against cyber threats.

Smart Airports: How to protect airport passengers from cyber disruptions

ENISA publishes a study on "Securing smart airports" providing airport decision makers and security personnel a concrete guide on preventing cyber-attacks and disruptions.

Diagnosing cyber threats for smart hospitals

ENISA’s key recommendations on protecting smart hospitals

Cyber Europe 2016: the pan-European exercise to protect EU Infrastructures against coordinated cyber-attack

Safeguarding Europe’s Digital Market through cyber security

Malicious actions not necessarily focused on causing disruptions in TELECOM, but system failures still are

ENISA publishes its Annual Incidents report which gives the aggregated analysis of the security incidents causing severe outages in 2015.