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Urgent action is needed in order to combat emerging cyber-attack trends

EU cyber security agency, ENISA, has today issued an information Flash Note, ‘Cyber attacks – a new edge for old weapons’ that analyses and tracks recent cyber attacks.

New ENISA report: The double-edged sword of Cloud computing in Critical Information Infrastructure Protection

ENISA has launched a new report looking at Cloud computing from a Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) perspective, and identifying that Cloud computing is critical given the concentration of users and data and its growing use in…

Largest cyber security exercise “Cyber Europe 2012’’ report published in 23 languages

ENISA has published the new report of the largest ever pan-Europe cyber security exercise, Cyber Europe 2012, which is available in 23 languages. Almost 600 individual players participated, including actors from the private sector (financial,…

New report on top trends in the first Cyber Threat Landscape by EU’s cyber Agency ENISA

The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has published the first and most comprehensive Cyber Threat Landscape analysis of 2012, summarising over 120 threat reports. The report identifies and lists the top threats and their trends, and concludes that…

New report on Smart Grids cyber security measures; a risk-based approach is key to secure implementation, according to EU Agency ENISA

The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has investigated the challenges for baseline smart grids protection in Europe. This new report assists smart grid providers to improve their cyber security and resilience of their infrastructures, with a set of…

In focus: Status report 2012 on Computer Emergency Response Teams baseline capabilities launched by EU Agency ENISA

The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has launched two new reports: 1. The Status Report 2012 for CERTs which provides a state-of-play overview of national/governmental CERTs’ capabilities (n/g CERTs) and concludes that the key challenge is the…

Successful collaborative cyber security awareness raising - Large Scale Pilot for EU SME business & citizens;two new reports launched by EU Agency ENISA on the European Information Sharing and Alert System (EISAS)

The EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA has run a Large Scale Pilot project for the European Information Sharing and Alerting System – EISAS to better prepare EU business and citizens facing cyber threats. The EISAS Large Scale Pilot Report, details…

New report on how to reinforce cooperation between EU Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and Law Enforcement Authorities

The EU Agency ENISA has launched a new Good Practice Guide on co-operation and coordination between Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs).

“Cooperation is key for Europe’s cyber security” – Conclusion of ENISA Brussels event (27/11)

A high-level event organised by Europe’s cyber security agency, ENISA recognised closer cyber cooperation and mutual support as key factors for boosting cyber security for Europe’s citizens, governments and businesses.

Cyber security according to Winnie the Pooh: new report by EU Agency ENISA on ‘digital trap’ honeypots to detect cyber-attacks creates a buzz

The EU ‘cyber security’ Agency ENISA is launching an in-depth study on 30 different ‘digital traps’ or honeypots that can be used by Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT)s and National/Government CERTs to proactively detect cyber-attacks. The…