EU citizens’ training on eSkills: evaluation of the European Cyber Security Month 2015 and head start for 2016

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ENISA and the Austrian Federal Chancellery organised the cyber security education seminar, which took place on November 5th 2015 at the premises of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, in Vienna. The meeting started its working sessions following the keynote address of Prof. Reinhard Posch, Chief Information Officer of Austria.

The cyber security education seminar was organized to evaluate the 2015 edition of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) advocacy campaign. Its objective was the evaluation, to get partners and coordinators in touch, while at the same time set the foundations for good cooperation in the next edition. The advanced planning of ECSM2016 started with a rich exchange of ideas on common actions, metrics, insights into the acquisition process and challenges for the future.

The Austrian Federal Chancellery thanked ENISA for the organization of this event. "Austria recognizes the importance of Cyber Security awareness and has made it a priority also present in the Austrian Cyber Security strategy which was published in 2013. The European Cyber Security Month is an awareness campaign highly recognized in Austria. We therefore welcome this opportunity to share our experiences with the Austrian implementation of the European Cyber Security Month with other national coordinators, and to hear about some of the challenges they faced.”

ENISA’s Head of Core Operations Dr Steve Purser said: “We would like to thank our partners for their involvement in the European Cyber Security Month 2015 and the Austrian Federal Chancellery for their partnership in this evaluation seminar. Providing expertise for cyber security education is ENISA’s daily job and EU citizens are at the top of the agenda to get first-hand actionable information. We strive to build a model, to brokerage our expertise to the community and networks of multipliers. This will be the focus for the next edition too: encouraging common activities with both public and private organisations while providing our expertise.”


Metrics from the 2015 campaign

In total there were 242 activities encoded in the official calendar from public and private stakeholders in 32 countries. The outreach on social media on the 1st of October alone, was 718,967 accounts reached. Number of visitors for during the entire month of October was 52,574 page views, with 71% corresponding to new visitors from all around Europe. More details to be published in the evaluation report by the end of the year.

ENISA published:

Available material for users:

  • NIS quiz to play and earn a CyberSecMonth badge
  • a report on University courses and certification programmes in Europe, on network and information security topics                                                    

The recommendations include network and information security tips for educators and employees, risks associated with the use of discontinued software or anti-malware, security in relation to popular cloud services (such as social media), online data protection rights, and understanding lessons learned to date through facilitating the pan European Cyber Exercises between the public and private sector.                        

And the annually updated:


Together we build a joint EU advocacy campaign on Cyber Security topics, follow us #CyberSecMonth #ENISA!

For more on the subject and press enquiries please contact [email protected], Tel. +30 2814 409576