
Featured publications

2024 Report on the State of the Cybersecurity in the Union

This document marks the first report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union, adopted by ENISA in cooperation with the NIS Cooperation Group and the European Commission, in accordance with Article 18 of the Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (…

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Good Practices for Security of IoT - Secure Software Development Lifecycle

This ENISA study introduces good practices for IoT security, with a particular focus on software development guidelines for secure IoT products and services throughout their lifetime. Establishing secure development guidelines across the IoT…

Good practices in innovation on Cybersecurity under the NCSS

ENISA supports the efforts aimed to enhance the overall level of cybersecurity in the Member States (MS) both at a national and EU level. This report supports that effort by analysing how Member States are approaching innovation as a strategic…

Annual Report Telecom Security Incidents 2018

This is the 8th time ENISA publishes an annual incident report for the telecom sector. In 2018, half of the total user hours lost (482 million user hours) were due to natural phenomena. It is the first year that natural phenomena are the main root…

Industry 4.0 - Cybersecurity Challenges and Recommendations

In this short paper ENISA provides identifies the main challenges to the adoption of the security measures and security of Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT. Moreover, ENISA lists high-level recommendations to different stakeholder groups in order to…

IoT Security Standards Gap Analysis

This study analyses the gaps and provides guidelines for, in particular, the development or repositioning of standards, facilitating the adoption of standards and governance of EU standardisation in the area of NIS.

Good practices on interdependencies between OES and DSPs

This study is concerned with dependencies and interdependencies among Operators of Essential Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSPs) as defined in the NIS Directive and addresses emerging dependencies and interdependencies across sectors…

Guidelines on assessing DSP security and OES compliance with the NISD security requirements

This report presents the steps of an information security audit process for the OES compliance, as well as of a self-assessment/ management framework for the DSP security against the security requirements set by the NIS Directive. In addition, it…

Good Practices for Security of Internet of Things in the context of Smart Manufacturing

This ENISA study aims at addressing the security and privacy challenges related to the evolution of industrial systems and services precipitated by the introduction of IoT innovations. The main objectives were to collect good practices to ensure…

Annual report Telecom security incidents 2017

The Annual report Telecom security incidents 2017 is the 7th annual report about significant outage incidents in the EU electronic communications sector. The legal framework for this incident reporting process is Article 13a of the Framework…

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Cooperative models

With this report, ENISA aims to analyse the current status of PPPs in the EU. The study identifies the main models of collaboration, the current challenges that both private and public sector face in the process of setting up and developing PPPs and…