
Featured publications

2024 Report on the State of the Cybersecurity in the Union

This document marks the first report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union, adopted by ENISA in cooperation with the NIS Cooperation Group and the European Commission, in accordance with Article 18 of the Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (…

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Guidelines on Supervision of Qualified Trust Services - Technical guidelines on trust services

This document is one deliverable out of a series whose objective is to propose guidelines aimed at facilitating the implementation of the provisions related to trust services of the eIDAS Regulation in the area of qualified trust services. It…

Guidelines on Termination of Qualified Trust Services

This document proposes guidelines to SB and (Q)TSP aimed at facilitating the implementation of the provisions related to trust services of the eIDAS Regulation in the area of termination of trust services. Termination of QTS is addressed here in…

Annual Incident Analysis Report for the Trust Service Providers

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the incident reporting procedure in the EU under the Article 19 of the eIDAS Regulation (2014/910/EC). Considering the fact that only the second half of 2016 was applicable and moreover that this…

Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic registered delivery services

This document addresses qualified electronic registered delivery services and is one out of a series of five documents which aim to assist parties wishing to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website…

Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic seals

This document addresses qualified electronic seals and is one out of a series of five documents which target to assist parties aiming to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery and website authentication certificates to…

Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic signatures

This document addresses qualified electronic signatures and is one out of a series of five documents which target to assist parties aiming to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website authentication certificates…

Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified website authentication certificates

This document addresses qualified certificates for website authentication and is one out of a series of five documents which aim to assist parties wishing to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website…

Annual Privacy Forum 2016

In light of the data protection regulation and the European digital agenda, DG CONNECT, EDPS, ENISA and, Goethe University Frankfurt organized APF 2016. APF 2016 was held 7 & 8 September at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2016

The ENISA Threat Landscape 2016 - the summary of the most prevalent cyber-threats – is sobering: everybody is exposed to cyber-threats, with the main motive being monetization. The year 2016 is thus characterized by “the efficiency of cyber-crime…

Hardware Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide

The goal of this report is the compilation of a comprehensive landscape of hardware-related assets, threats, and good practices. This landscape provides basic information for manufacturers and developers who want to understand which threats their…