
Featured publications

2024 Report on the State of the Cybersecurity in the Union

This document marks the first report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union, adopted by ENISA in cooperation with the NIS Cooperation Group and the European Commission, in accordance with Article 18 of the Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (…

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks & Countermeasures

Remote identity proofing is a crucial element in creating trust for digital services. The present study analyses the collection and validation of evidence provided by the applicant to complete the verification of his or her identity. More…

Countering SIM-Swapping

In this study, we give an overview of how SIM-Swapping attacks work, list measures that providers can take to mitigate the attack and make recommendations for policy makers and authorities in the telecom sector and other sectors. Security of…

How to Avoid SIM-Swapping - Leaflet

This leaflet, addresses the SIM-swapping attacks, how to recognise them and how to mitigate the risk connected to this fraud. In fact, subscriber Identity Module (SIM) swapping is a legitimate procedure performed by a customer to change their SIM…

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Current state and quantum mitigation

This study provides an overview of the current state of affairs on the standardization process of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). It presents the 5 main families of PQ algorithms; viz. code-based, isogeny-based, hash-based, lattice-based and…

Remote ID Proofing

This report provides an overview of the most common methods for identity proofing with some examples received by stakeholders, presents the current legal / regulatory landscape and supporting standards at the international and EU level and provides…

Conformity Assessment of Qualified Trust Service Providers

This document provides an overview of the conformity assessment framework for QTSPs as set out in the eIDAS Regulation, i.e. aiming to confirm that the assessed QTSP/QTS fulfils its requirements. This report discusses the typical process flow and…

Recommendations for Qualified Trust Service Providers based on Standards

This document provides recommendations to help qualified trust service providers and auditors understand the expected mapping between these requirements/obligations and reference numbers of standards, as well as practical recommendations for their…

Security Framework for Qualified Trust Service Providers

This document proposes a security framework to achieve compliance with Article 19 of the eIDAS Regulation, to which both non-QTSP and QTSP are subject. Nevertheless, Article 19.1 states that the security measures “shall ensure that the level of…

Security Framework for Trust Service Providers

This document proposes a security framework to achieve compliance with Article 19 of the eIDAS Regulation. As illustrated below, this security framework includes specific guidelines for TSP on: 1) Risk management related to the security of the eIDAS…

Crypto Assets: Introduction to Digital Currencies and Distributed Ledger Technologies

This report aims to increase the understanding of blockchain technologies. It aims to explain the underlying technical concepts and how they relate to each other. The goal is to explain the components, and illustrate their use by pointing to…