Digital Transformation Services Team Coordinator - Inter-Agency Mobility Call


The Digital Transformation Services Team Coordinator reports to the Head of Corporate Services (CS) Unit within the Resources Department (RD).

He/she manages, advises on and coordinates the ICT/IT activities contributing to achieve the strategic objectives of the Agency within the context of increased use of technologies requiring a high level of cybersecurity.  He/she runs a complete quality management system across the full range of IT services such as service catalogue, project management services, etc. initiating changes/improvements to enhance service delivery.

Only temporary agents of other EU agencies can apply provided that they meet the eligibility criteria as indicated in the vacancy notice.

In order to apply, the application form linked to this vacancy must be downloaded, filled in, saved locally and sent to the following mailbox: [email protected] following the instructions on submission of applications included in the vacancy.

2018-04-30 15:00 CET

PDF document VN_ENISA_TA18_AD_2018_01_IAM - DTS Team Coordinator.pdf — PDF document, 557 KB

Plain Text — Plain Text, 0 KB

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