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The aim of this call is to establish a pool of eligible candidates for secondment linked to current and future workstreams as defined in the ENISA operational activities as described in our Single Programming Document. Throughout the period of 2025-2027, from the pool of eligible candidates, the Agency plans to fulfil several vacant posts. 

For more information on the SNE call and application procedure, please refer to the vacancy notice.

How to Apply

Candidates should send their applications (CV in Europass format and motivation letter, both documents in English) to [email protected].

ENISA accepts applications for this call on a rolling basis, with no fixed deadline for submission.

This could be interesting

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Join ENISA team by submitting your application on our new e-recruitment platform.

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If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, you can contact us using the following form.


FAQ's on Recruitment

1. When and where are vacancy notices for the Agency published?