With this call, ENISA seeks to recruit 3 seconded national experts (SNEs) who could support the Agency’s activities in the area of operational cooperation in view of the tasks outlined in Article 7 of the Cybersecurity Act. This entails cyber crisis management, common situational awareness and incident response during or after massive incidents. ENISA will fulfil some of these tasks through structured cooperation with CERT-EU (which is being set up). Separately, it also carries out the role of the secretariat for the operational platforms, such as for the CSIRT Network or CyCLONe Group within the Blueprint framework. The recruited SNEs would be actively involved in the implementation of these tasks. See the vacancy notice for more information.
Update: As of 1st of January 2021, the SNE allowances have been updated as per the dedicated annex.
How to Apply
In order to be considered for this call, you must submit an application in English which includes:
a) a CV in Europass format;
b) a Motivation letter (preferably no more than one A4 page).
The application should be sent via the Permanent Representations of the applicants Member State to the following address: [email protected].
Only complete and received within the deadline applications, will be accepted and considered further in the evaluation process.
Selection board
Chair: Rossella MATTIOLI
Member: Edgars TAURINS
Staff Committee Member: Christina SKOULOUDI
Observer: Jo DE MUYNCK