As a source of knowledge and experience, the private sector is an essential asset in terms of cybersecurity.
CSIRT Maturity Framework
This section gives recommendations for CSIRTs on how to improve, mature and be better prepared to protect their constituencies.
Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2)
Understanding the NIS2 Directive: Strengthening Cybersecurity Across the EU
The NIS2 directive highlights the importance of bolstering cybersecurity in the transport sector to protect critical infrastructure across aviation, maritime, rail, and road transport.
ENISA is working towards a cyber secure and resilient Health Sector in the EU.
Support Action Programme
The ENISA Cybersecurity Support Action serves to enable the provision of cybersecurity services to help Member States reinforce their preparedness (ex-ante) and response (ex-post) capabilities.
NIS Directive 2
NIS 2 strengthens cybersecurity across the EU by setting higher standards for essential services.
Cyber Europe
Leading the way in cybersecurity preparedness
Cybersecurity Healthcare Week
Welcome to the official page of the Cybersecurity Healthcare Week 2023! Are you ready to boost your cyber defenses?