Demand Side of Cyber Insurance in the EU
The report analyses current perspectives and challenges of Operator of Essential Services (OESs) related to the acquirement of cyber insurance services. Information and statistics are presented according to the selection, acquisition and use of…
NIS Investments 2022
This report marks the third iteration of ENISA's NIS Investments report, which collects data on how Operators of Essential Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSP) identified in the European Union’s directive on security of network and…
Trust Services Security Incidents 2021
This report provides an aggregated overview of the notified breaches for 2021, analysing root causes, statistics and trends. It marks the sixth round of security incident reporting for the EU’s trust services sector. In this round of annual summary…
Telecom Security Incidents 2021
This report provides anonymised and aggregated information about major telecom security incidents in 2021. The 2021 annual summary contains reports of 168 incidents submitted by national authorities from 26 EU Member States (MS) and 2 EFTA countries.
Cyber Threats Outreach In Telecom
In this paper, we aim to give guidance to national Authorities and providers of electronic communications networks and services regarding how to strike the right balance and carry out efficient and effective outreach to users about cyber threats.
NIS Investments Report 2021
Following the 2020 NIS Investment publication, this report covers all 27 EU Member States and offering additional insights into the allocation of NIS budgets of OES/DSP, the economic impact of cybersecurity incidents and the organisation of…
Trust Services Security Incidents 2020 - Annual Report
Article 19 of the eIDAS regulation sets out the security requirements for the trust service providers (TSPs) and introduces mandatory security breach reporting for trust service providers (TSPs) in the EU. This report provides an aggregated overview…
Telecom Security Incidents 2020 - Annual Report
Security incident reporting has been part of the EU’s telecom regulatory framework since the 2009 reform of the telecom package: Article 13a of the Framework Directive (2009/140/EC) came into force in 2011. The European Electronic Communications…
Assessment of EU Telecom Security Legislation
European Union telecom security legislation has been changing over the last few years. In light of these policy changes, ENISA carried out an assessment of the implementation of EU telecom security policy, to inform policy makers in the Commission…
5G Supplement - to the Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC
This document contains a 5G technology profile which supplements the technology-neutral Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC. The document gives additional guidance to competent national authorities about how to ensure implementation and…