ENISA supports Portuguese National Cybersecurity Exercise on electoral process
In the context of the upcoming double elections in Portugal, the Portuguese National Cybersecurity Centre CNCS have requested the EU Agency for Cybersecurity ENISA to support a cybersecurity exercise on the electoral process.
ENISA meets cyber-experts to plan Cyber Europe 2018
ENISA, the EU cybersecurity agency has hosted the main planning conference for Cyber Europe 2018, the most important cybersecurity exercise in the European Union.
Cyber Europe 2016: Key lessons from a simulated cyber crisis
Today marks the end of the latest cyber crisis exercise organised by ENISA, with the release of the after action report and closure video of Cyber Europe 2016.
Information Sharing & Analysis Centres: Exploring the Value of Cross-Sector Exercises
To support the cooperation of European sectorial Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs), the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) suggests requirements for cross-sector exercises.
Interim findings of CYBER EUROPE 2010; a successful ’cyber stress test’ for Europe
Interim findings of CYBER EUROPE 2010, the First Pan-European Cyber Security Exercise; a successful ’cyber stress test’ for Europe.
2018 Cyber Europe planners meet with ENISA
The final planning conference for Cyber Europe 2018 Cyber Exercise was hosted by ENISA on 7 and 8 March 2018 at Athens.
EU improves its capacity to tackle cyber crises: Cyber Europe 2018 after-action report
Established as the main EU civil cybersecurity exercise, Cyber Europe 2018 took place on 6 and 7 June.
“Stronger Together” Cyber Europe 2020, get involved!
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), is pleased to announce that the Cyber Europe 2020 (CE2020) exercise will focus on the theme of health.
Cyber Europe 2016 - We are stronger together
In October 2016, ENISA organises the fourth pan-European cyber exercise, Cyber Europe 2016. Stay tuned!
Europe joins forces in Cyber Europe 2012
Today, more than 300 cyber security professionals across Europe join forces to counter a massive simulated cyber-attack in the 2nd pan-European Cyber Exercise, Cyber Europe 2012.