Growing need for a common security framework, says ENISA Head of Administration at international cybersecurity conference
The Centre for Research in Public Law at the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (CIDP-ICJP) and partners organise the Lisbon International Conference on Information Security and Constitutional…
Security in Telecoms sector in focus of 2nd meeting of ENISA’s electronic communications reference group
The second ENISA Electronic Communications Reference Group meeting with experts from telecom operators and internet service providers was held in Madrid on 22-23 May 2014 and was hosted by Telefónica.
ENISA launches new enhanced website
The European Union Agency for Network and information Security - ENISA - launches a new enhanced website with improved functionality and content.
ENISA holds Article 13a expert group meeting
This week, ENISA held the 24th Article 13a expert group meeting in Vienna.
eHealth Conference: Sector Matures in terms of Cybersecurity but not fast enough
Organised with the support of the Danish Health Data Authority, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) hosted the 7th eHealth conference on the latest developments in policy and emerging challenges of the evolving threat landscape.
ENISA launches upgraded, revamped website with new social media channels
The EU’s ‘cyber security’ Agency, ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency), is launching its new upgraded website, including new social media channels, on Wednesday, 19 September 2012.
Open platform and tools to facilitate the collaboration among Computer Security Incident Response Teams
Collaboration among European Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) has become essential for cyber security operations in Europe.