How to Secure the Connected & Automated Mobility (CAM) Ecosystem
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity discloses an in-depth analysis of the cybersecurity challenges faced by the CAM sector and provides actionable recommendations to mitigate them.
System failures cause most large outages of electronic communications services according to a new ENISA report
The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) publishes today the third annual report about large-scale outages in the electronic communication sector.
Good practices under the National Cyber Security Strategies
We promote member states innovation in cybersecurity through national cybersecurity strategies.
Checking-up on Health: Ransomware Accounts for 54% of Cybersecurity Threats
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) releases today its first cyber threat landscape for the health sector. The report found that ransomware accounts for 54% of cybersecurity threats in the health sector.
Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Incident Response Spotlighted at European Security Event
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity and the Danish Health Data Authority are joining forces again this month, introducing the final session of the 2020 eHealth Security Conference to examine incident response procedures across Europe’s health system.
169 telecom incidents reported, extreme weather major factor
Today ENISA publishes its annual report on major telecom security incidents that occurred in 2017 in the EU.
"Understanding Cloud Solutions for All": 4th week of #CyberSecMonth
We are running the 4th week of the ECSM dedicated to understanding secure use of cloud.
ENISA Report Highlights Resilience of Telecom Sector in Facing the Pandemic
ENISA is releasing its ‘Telecom Security During a Pandemic’ report at the 32nd meeting of EU telecom security authorities. Underlining the current strength of the sector in the face of the pandemic, the report also calls for increased cooperation…
Report on the EU 5G Toolbox Implementation by Member States Published
Today, the European Commission and the German Presidency of the Council of the EU released the report on the progress made by the EU27 in implementing the EU 5G toolbox measures and strengthening safety measures. The European Union Agency for…