Guidelines for Securing the Internet of Things
This ENISA study defines guidelines for securing the supply chain for IoT. ENISA with the input of IoT experts created security guidelines for the whole lifespan: from requirements and design, to end use delivery and maintenance, as well as…
Briefing: Quantum Key Distribution
The purpose of this briefing is to give an introduction to the possibilities offered by quantum key distribution (QKD), as well as its limitations and the main issues of disagreement between experts in the field. ENISA Briefings are short…
Good Practice Guide for securely deploying Governmental Clouds
In this report, ENISA identifies the Member States with operational government Cloud infrastructures and underlines the diversity of Cloud adoption in the public sector in Europe. Moreover through this document, ENISA aims to assist Member States in…
Promoting information security as a cultural and behavioural change (EN)
This volume presents selected results achieved by ENISA in the field of awareness raising for the year 2010.
This edition consists of one book containing the following publications: Online as soon as it happens, Email security, Malicious software…
Boosting your Organisation's Cyber Resilience - Joint Publication
ENISA and CERT-EU strongly encourage all public and private sector organisations in the EU to adopt a minimum set of cybersecurity best practices.
Sustained Activity by Threat Actors- Joint Publication
ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, and CERT-EU, the Computer Emergency Response Team of all the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (EUIBAs), have issued a joint publication to alert on sustained activity by particular threat actors. Malicious…
Remote ID Proofing - Good practices
Through this report, ENISA aims to enhance stakeholder awareness, facilitate risk analysis in evolving threat landscapes, and bolster trustworthiness in remote identity proofing methods.
Online Platform for Security of Personal Data Processing
This report presents the focus and main functionalities of the ENISA’s online platform for the security of personal data processing. This platform is only one tool, which cannot replace the need of a greater compliance and accountability…
Annual Report - Trust Services Security Incidents 2023
ENISA’s 2023 report on trust services security incidents provides the seventh…
EUCS – Cloud Services Scheme
This publication is a draft version of the EUCS candidate scheme (European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services), which looks into the certification of the cybersecurity of cloud services. In accordance with Article 48.2 of the…