Trusted e-ID Infrastructures and services in the EU - Recommendations for Trusted Provision of e-Government services
Under the scope of the the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, which will supersede the current Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic…
EISAS Roadmap
The EISAS Roadmap provide the direction to further the development and deployment of the European Information Sharing and Alert System (EISAS). It has been produced by ENISA upon request of the EU Commission as communicated in the Communication on…
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Cooperative models
With this report, ENISA aims to analyse the current status of PPPs in the EU. The study identifies the main models of collaboration, the current challenges that both private and public sector face in the process of setting up and developing PPPs and…
eIDAS: Overview on the implementation and uptake of Trust Services
In the context of the eIDAS Regulation, ENISA conducted a study to present an overview of the implementation and uptake of Trust Services defined in the eIDAS Regulation one year after adoption to the new regime, and analyse the new opportunities…
Strategies for incident response and cyber crisis cooperation
This document was prepared for the NIS Platform WG2 members introducing the main functions of CSIRTs from incident handling to crisis coordination – a high-level summary of the basics of incident response based on ENISA’s previous work on CSIRTs and…
Looking into the crystal ball: A report on emerging technologies and security challenges
The time has come for ENISA to take a look at the crystal ball of technology; In particular looking at what are considered to be emerging technologies and what might be their prospective usage scenarios. Considering emerging technologies and…
Technologies with potential to improve the resilience of the Internet infrastructure
In 2011 ENISA performed the review of its studies on resilient technologies from 2008-2010, complementing the findings of the previous years and investigating the deployment status of technologies enhancing resilience. Initial review of supply chain…
Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024: Extended report
This is the second iteration of the “ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” study that represents a comprehensive analysis and assessment of emerging cybersecurity threats projected for the year 2030. The report reassesses the previously…
The European Cyber Security Challenge: Lessons Learned report
The ECSC is an initiative of multiple European countries supported by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) that aims at engaging cybersecurity talent across Europe and connecting high potentials.
This report…
Incentives and barriers of the cyber insurance market in Europe
ENISA conducted a study identifying possible causes inhibiting the cyber-insurance market in Europe and investigating incentives to kick –start its development. The Study analyses the structure and the characteristics of the market and includes a…