Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISACs) - Cooperative models
The main objectives of this study are:
1.To provide information about the ISACs in Europe through collecting information on the current status of ISACs and to identify main models of this type of collaboration.
2. To identify current challenges that…
Cybersecurity Education Initiatives in the EU Member States
Today, the internet is a tool used in many educational activities, which increases the amount of
time children are exposed to cyberspace and its risks. Informing young users about the
importance of maintaining personal privacy is not enough to keep…
Exploring Cloud Incidents
The use of cloud computing technologies is gaining increased popularity and quickly becoming the norm. At the same time, the cloud service providers (CSP) are not always able to keep up the pace with new technologies. This also affects forensic…
PETs controls matrix - A systematic approach for assessing online and mobile privacy tools
Following previous work in the field of privacy engineering, in 2016 ENISA defined the ‘PETs control matrix’, an assessment framework and tool for the systematic presentation and evaluation of online and mobile privacy tools for end users. The…
Report on Annual Privacy Forum 2012
The first Annual Privacy Forum1 (APF’12) was held in Limassol, Cyprus from 10–11 October 2012.
The Forum was co-organised by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)2
and the European Commission Directorate General for…
eID Authentication methods in e-Finance and e-Payment services - Current practices and Recommendations
This report collects the results of a survey launched by ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency). The main purpose of the survey has been to collect information about the electronic IDentity and Authentication Systems (eIDAS) used…
Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks & Countermeasures
Remote identity proofing is a crucial element in creating trust for digital services. The present study analyses the collection and validation of evidence provided by the applicant to complete the verification of his or her identity. More…
Article 19 Incident reporting
The focus of this document is the implementation of incident reporting and it aims at supporting the su-pervisory bodies in being aligned with obligations set out in Article 19. The Article 19 incident reporting framework has been prepared in…
Guidelines for SMEs on the security of personal data processing
ENISA undertook a study to support SME’s on how to adopt security measures for the protection of personal data, following a risk-based approach. In particular, the objectives of the study were to facilitate SMEs in understanding the context of the…
Cyber security: future challenges and opportunities
New technologies and business models for the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) have brought many benefits to the European Digital Society and the European citizens. At the same time, the increased use of ICTs has been…