NCSS Good Practice Guide
ENISA published its first National Cyber Security Strategy Good Practice Guide in 2012. Since then, EU Member States and EFTA countries have made great progress in developing and implementing their strategies. This guide is updating the different…
National Roaming for Resilience
Mobile communications are an integral part of everyday life. In less than 30 years they have surpassed the traditional fixed line telephony. Every day millions of European citizens rely on mobile telephony for work, social life, but also to contact…
CERT cooperation and its further facilitation by relevant stakeholders
The document at hand is dedicated to the cooperation among CERTs and similar entities. It is the first document of its kind, and not only tells the story of cooperation in Europe and beyond, but that also tries to summarise the lessons learned and…
Privacy by design in big data
The extensive collection and further processing of personal information in the context of big data analytics has given rise to serious privacy concerns, especially relating to wide scale electronic surveillance, profiling, and disclosure of private…
Desktop Reserach on Public Private Partnerships
In many Member States public and private organizations co-operate through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in order to address CIIP. There is no common definition of what constitutes a PPP. Diversity is valuable yet there also exists a need for…
Algorithms, key size and parameters report 2014
The “Algorithms, key size and parameters” report of 2014 is a reference document providing a set of guidelines to decision makers, in particular specialists designing and implementing cryptographic solutions for personal data protection within…
Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges
This report presents the Agency's active mapping of the AI cybersecurity ecosystem and its Threat Landscape, realised with the support of the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity. The ENISA AI Threat Landscape not only lays…
PSIRT Expertise and Capabilities Development
This study focuses on the Sectoral CSIRT and PSIRT capabilities status and development within the Energy and Health sectors as specified within the NIS directive. A desk research has been conducted, followed by a survey which was answered by 7…
Standardisation in support of the Cybersecurity Certification
The document presents the value of the cybersecurity standardisation efforts for certification, the roles and responsibilities of Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) in this context, and discusses various ways how standardisation can support…
Procurement Guidelines for Cybersecurity in Hospitals
As cybersecurity becomes more of a priority for hospitals, it is essential that it is integrated holistically in the different processes, components and stages influencing the healthcare ICT ecosystem. Procurement is a key process shaping the ICT…