As a source of knowledge and experience, the private sector is an essential asset in terms of cybersecurity.
ENISA is working towards a cyber secure and resilient Health Sector in the EU.
Support Action Programme
The ENISA Cybersecurity Support Action serves to enable the provision of cybersecurity services to help Member States reinforce their preparedness (ex-ante) and response (ex-post) capabilities.
Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework
The ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework is a “cookbook” on how EU cybersecurity market analyses can be performed. is the cornerstone of ENISA activities in analysing the EU cybersecurity market, as it is used within ENISA to scope,…
ENISA is contributing in strengthening the cybersecurity of the EU's energy infrastructure and safeguarding critical operations.
ENISA supports the promotion of a single market for cybersecurity products and the securing of all elements of their supply chains.
Cybersecurity Awareness Raising: The ENISA-Do-It-Yourself Toolbox
SMEs Cybersecurity
ENISA has consistently advanced initiatives to help SMEs integrate cybersecurity into their digital environments.
CyberEducation Platform
The ENISA CyberEducation platform is transforming cybersecurity education across the European Union.