The NIS360 is a new ENISA product that assesses the maturity and criticality of sectors of high criticality under the NIS2 Directive, providing both a comparative overview and a more in-depth analysis of each sector. The NIS360 is designed to…
ENISA NIS360 2024 report: A comprehensive look at cybersecurity maturity and criticality of NIS2 sectors
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity’s first NIS360 report identifies areas for improvement and tracking of progress across NIS2 Directive sectors.
ESAs and ENISA sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and information exchange
The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA - the ESAs) today announced that they have concluded a multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation and information exchange with the European Union Agency for…
Annual Report - Trust Services Security Incidents 2023
ENISA’s 2023 report on trust services security incidents provides the seventh…
Annual Incident Reports 2016
For the sixth year, ENISA publishes the annual report about significant outage incidents in the European electronic communications sector, which are reported to ENISA and the European Commission under Article 13a of the Framework Directive (2009/…
Annual Incident Reports 2015
Technical Guideline on Incident Reporting under the EECC
Security Supervision under the EECC
National Capabilities Assessment Framework
This report presents the work performed by ENISA to build a National Capabilities Assessment Framework (NCAF). The framework aims at providing Member States with a self-assessment of their level of maturity by assessing their NCSS objectives,…
Good Practices for Supply Chain Cybersecurity
The report provides an overview of the current supply chain cybersecurity practices followed by essential and important entities in the EU, based on the results of a 2022 ENISA study which focused on investments of cybersecurity budgets among…