Cyber Threats Outreach In Telecom
In this paper, we aim to give guidance to national Authorities and providers of electronic communications networks and services regarding how to strike the right balance and carry out efficient and effective outreach to users about cyber threats.
Telecom Security Incidents 2022
The present report provides anonymised and aggregated information about major telecom security incidents that happened in 2022.
Annual report Telecom security incidents 2017
The Annual report Telecom security incidents 2017 is the 7th annual report about significant outage incidents in the EU electronic communications sector. The legal framework for this incident reporting process is Article 13a of the Framework…
Telecom Security Incidents 2021
This report provides anonymised and aggregated information about major telecom security incidents in 2021. The 2021 annual summary contains reports of 168 incidents submitted by national authorities from 26 EU Member States (MS) and 2 EFTA countries.
Assessment of EU Telecom Security Legislation
European Union telecom security legislation has been changing over the last few years. In light of these policy changes, ENISA carried out an assessment of the implementation of EU telecom security policy, to inform policy makers in the Commission…
Telecom Security Incidents 2020 - Annual Report
Security incident reporting has been part of the EU’s telecom regulatory framework since the 2009 reform of the telecom package: Article 13a of the Framework Directive (2009/140/EC) came into force in 2011. The European Electronic Communications…
Annual Report Telecom Security Incidents 2018
This is the 8th time ENISA publishes an annual incident report for the telecom sector. In 2018, half of the total user hours lost (482 million user hours) were due to natural phenomena. It is the first year that natural phenomena are the main root…
Telecom Services Security Incidents 2019 Annual Analysis Report
Security incident reporting has been part of the EU’s telecom regulatory framework since the 2009 reform of the telecom package, Article 13a of the Framework directive (2009/140/EC) came into force in 2011. The incident reporting in Article 13a…
Annual Incident Reports 2016
For the sixth year, ENISA publishes the annual report about significant outage incidents in the European electronic communications sector, which are reported to ENISA and the European Commission under Article 13a of the Framework Directive (2009/…
Impact evaluation on the implementation of Article 13a incident reporting scheme within EU
As several years have passed since the publication and implementation of the Framework Directive 2009/140 including Art. 13a, an impact evaluation of the new article was necessary. The evaluation has the purpose of assessing the changes in outcome…