ENISA CSIRT maturity assessment model
This is the updated version of the "Challenges for National CSIRTs in Europe in 2016: Study on CSIRT Maturity" published by ENISA in 2017. The study takes all relevant information sources into account, with a special emphasis on the NIS Directive,…
ENISA Maturity Evaluation Methodology for CSIRTs
This is the updated version of the "Study on CSIRT Maturity – Evaluation Process" published by ENISA in 2017. The new version (v.2) reflects values that are consistent with other documents and studies on CSIRT maturity.
ENISA CSIRT Maturity Framework - Updated and improved
This document presents the updated and improved version of ENISA’s Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) Maturity Framework that is intended to contribute to the enhancement of the capacity to manage cyber incidents, with a focus on…
Cyber Resilience Act Requirements Standards Mapping - Joint Research Centre & ENISA Joint Analysis
To facilitate adoption of the CRA provisions, these requirements need to be translated into the form of harmonised standards, with which manufacturers can comply. In support of the standardisation effort, this study attempt to identify the most…
Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRTs and LE - Toolset 2021
This training material is an updated version of the ENISA training material Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRT and LE - Toolset, Document for trainees3, that was developed based particularly on the ENISA 2020 Report on CSIRT-LE Cooperation.
Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy
This taxonomy resulted from collaboration initiatives such as the annual ENISA/EC3 Workshop which involved CSIRTs, LEAs, ENISA, and EC3. Other examples include the eCSIRT.net taxonomy2 which was developed in 2003, and the eCSIRT.net mkVI taxonomy3…
AI an opportunity for the EU cyber crisis blueprint - Report
On the 3rd and 4th of June 2019, ENISA organized in Athens, Greece, a conference on Artificial Intelligence in the EU cyber crisis blueprint context under the title ‘ Artificial Intelligence-An opportunity for the EU cyber-crisis management’.…
Cybersecurity Support Action
The ENISA Cybersecurity Support Action provides ex-post and ex-ante services and assistance to Member States' NIS2 Directive entities.
Sustained Activity by Threat Actors- Joint Publication
ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, and CERT-EU, the Computer Emergency Response Team of all the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (EUIBAs), have issued a joint publication to alert on sustained activity by particular threat actors. Malicious…
Cybersecurity Certification: Candidate EUCC Scheme
Following the request from the European Commission in accordance with Article 48.2 of the Cybersecurity Act, ENISA has set up an Ad Hoc Working Group to support the preparation of a candidate EU cybersecurity certification scheme as a successor to…