ENISA CSIRT maturity assessment model
This is the updated version of the "Challenges for National CSIRTs in Europe in 2016: Study on CSIRT Maturity" published by ENISA in 2017. The study takes all relevant information sources into account, with a special emphasis on the NIS Directive,…
ENISA Maturity Evaluation Methodology for CSIRTs
This is the updated version of the "Study on CSIRT Maturity – Evaluation Process" published by ENISA in 2017. The new version (v.2) reflects values that are consistent with other documents and studies on CSIRT maturity.
Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy
This taxonomy resulted from collaboration initiatives such as the annual ENISA/EC3 Workshop which involved CSIRTs, LEAs, ENISA, and EC3. Other examples include the eCSIRT.net taxonomy2 which was developed in 2003, and the eCSIRT.net mkVI taxonomy3…
A good practice guide of using taxonomies in incident prevention and detection
The aim of this document is to provide good practices on using taxonomies for incident detection and prevention by taking into account the input received from the CSIRT community and relevant information from previous ENISA studies. In addition, it…