CSIRT Capabilities in Healthcare Sector
An attack directed at a critical infrastructure, such as a hospital, can lead to physical damages and put the lives of patients at risk. Therefore, there is a need for solid Incident Response Capabilities (IRC) in the health sector, in particular…
Sectoral CSIRT Capabilities - Energy and Air Transport
This study provides a continuation of work on Sectoral IRC at European level following the publication of the 2019 “EU Member States incident response development status report”. The report focuses on trends in Energy and Air Transport Incident…
PSIRT Expertise and Capabilities Development
This study focuses on the Sectoral CSIRT and PSIRT capabilities status and development within the Energy and Health sectors as specified within the NIS directive. A desk research has been conducted, followed by a survey which was answered by 7…
Report on Cyber Security Information Sharing in the Energy Sector
The purpose of this report is to understand and learn the development of CSIRTs, ISACs, as well as relevant initiatives on information sharing on cyber security incidents in the energy sector by focusing on the subsectors identified in the NIS…
Proposed ENISA role to safeguard cybersecurity of health sector
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA welcomes the EU Action Plan for the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers proposed on 15 January.
Asking for your feedback: ENISA technical guidance for the cybersecurity measures of the NIS2 Implementing Act
We are inviting industry stakeholders to provide comments on the technical guidance for the NIS2 implementing act on cybersecurity measures for critical entities in the digital infrastructure sector.
ENISA is working towards a cyber secure and resilient Health Sector in the EU.