Incident notification for DSPs in the context of the NIS Directive
This report provides preliminary guidelines on how incident notification provisions for Digital Service Providers could be effectively implemented across the EU. Based on valuable input from Member States and companies directly impacted by the…
Report on Cyber Security Information Sharing in the Energy Sector
The purpose of this report is to understand and learn the development of CSIRTs, ISACs, as well as relevant initiatives on information sharing on cyber security incidents in the energy sector by focusing on the subsectors identified in the NIS…
Good practices on the implementation of regulatory technical standards
MS approaches on PSD 2 implementation: commonalities in risk management and incident reporting - The main objective of this study is to identify the differences introduced by Member States in the implementation of the PSD2. In particular, the aim is…
CSIRT Capabilities in Healthcare Sector
An attack directed at a critical infrastructure, such as a hospital, can lead to physical damages and put the lives of patients at risk. Therefore, there is a need for solid Incident Response Capabilities (IRC) in the health sector, in particular…
Sectoral CSIRT Capabilities - Energy and Air Transport
This study provides a continuation of work on Sectoral IRC at European level following the publication of the 2019 “EU Member States incident response development status report”. The report focuses on trends in Energy and Air Transport Incident…
Health Threat Landscape
This is the first analysis conducted by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) of the cyber threat landscape of the health sector in the EU. The report aims to bring new insights into the reality of the health sector by mapping and…
Prioritising eHealth cybersecurity against emerging challenges
This year, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organises the 9th edition of the eHealth Security conference, in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Centre of Hungary and Semmelweis University.
Dive into the Deep Sea: A View of the Subsea Cable Ecosystem
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes a report on the subsea cable ecosystem and highlights today’s major cybersecurity challenges.
ENISA is working towards a cyber secure and resilient Health Sector in the EU.
The NIS2 directive highlights the importance of bolstering cybersecurity in the transport sector to protect critical infrastructure across aviation, maritime, rail, and road transport.