Annual Privacy Forum 2017
ENISA's Annual Privacy Forum 2017 encouraged dialogue with panel discussions and provided room for exchange of ideas in between scientific sessions. The two-day conference was well attended by more than 100 participants in addition to more than 70…
Assessment of Standards related to eIDAS
In this report, ENISA presents aspects of QSCD certification and QTSP supervision to identify the way to combine respective elements therein, in line with the eIDAS requirements. In this context, this report seeks to support standards CEN EN 419 241…
Conformity assessment of Trust Service Providers - Technical guidelines on trust services
Through this document, ENISA is supporting both Trust Service Providers and Conformity Assessment
Bodies in the audit activities by presenting the auditing framework. It aims at helping Trust Service
Providers fulfil the requirements defined by the…
Deploying Pseudonymisation Techniques
Pseudonymisation is increasingly becoming a key security technique for providing a means that can facilitate personal data processing, while offering strong safeguards for the protection of personal data and thereby safeguarding the rights and…
PETs controls matrix - A systematic approach for assessing online and mobile privacy tools
Following previous work in the field of privacy engineering, in 2016 ENISA defined the ‘PETs control matrix’, an assessment framework and tool for the systematic presentation and evaluation of online and mobile privacy tools for end users. The…
Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks & Countermeasures
Remote identity proofing is a crucial element in creating trust for digital services. The present study analyses the collection and validation of evidence provided by the applicant to complete the verification of his or her identity. More…
Guidelines for SMEs on the security of personal data processing
ENISA undertook a study to support SME’s on how to adopt security measures for the protection of personal data, following a risk-based approach. In particular, the objectives of the study were to facilitate SMEs in understanding the context of the…
Overview of standards related to eIDAS
The scope of this document is to assess the suitability of the recently published ENs to fulfil the eIDAS Regulation requirements, and to describe the differences with the previous TSs, in view of a possible update of the list of standards…
Assessment of ETSI TS 119 403-3 related to eIDAS
This document assesses the eligibility of [ETSI TS 119 403-3], and the standards it builds upon, to be referenced in an implementing act adopted pursuant to Art.20(4) of the eIDAS Regulation. The findings suggest that if certain revisions take place…
Recommendations for technical implementation of the eIDAS Regulation
The present report aims to propose ways in which the eIDAS assessment regime can be strengthened based on the current regime of the eIDAS Regulation, the stakeholders’ concerns and the legitimate need to move towards a more harmonised approach with…