Recently, the Agency staged its 4th preparatory workshop for the forthcoming cyber security -Critical Information Infrastructure Protection -CIIP- exercise. The exercise is the 1st ever pan-European joint CIIP action of its kind. Here is a follow…
Training day: getting ready for Cyber Europe 2012
Today (26th of June 2012), cyber security experts from across Europe are meeting in Paris for an intense training day in preparation for Cyber Europe 2012
More than 100 experts attend the joint NSA-ENISA Cybersecurity workshop in Bratislava
ENISA and the National Security Authority of Slovakia organized a cybersecurity workshop, with the goal of bringing together cybersecurity experts working in critical sectors like energy and finance, experts from CSIRTs and experts working at the…
Visit by Maltese delegation
The Agency was visited by a delegation from Malta on Friday 11th, Nov.
EU Minister’s Informal Justice & Home Affairs Ministers’ meeting, Vilnius 18-19/07
The EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA attended the informal Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Minister’s meeting in Vilnius, 18-19 July, 2013, where cyber security was a key matter to discuss.
ENISA General Report 2011
ENISA has published its annual General Report containing details of the Agency's work and achievements during 2011.
The EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA receives visit of its UK Management Board representatives
Heather Butler and Colin Whorlow, the UK representatives of ENISA’s Management Board, visited the Agency’s headquarters in Athens for a discussion with staff from the Core Operations Department (COD) on current activities and priorities.
Exercises boost cooperation
ENISA organised two small-scale cyber security exercises on 30th May and 6th June. The exercises were held to familiarise participants with cross-border cooperation procedures and mechanisms for dealing with large-scale cyber crises in Europe.
ENISA General Report 2012 is now available
ENISA has today (30th May) published its 2012 General Report, containing details of the Agency's work and achievements during the year.