Tackling Security Challenges of Emerging Technologies
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) jointly organised the 6th Network and Information Security (NIS) Summer School from 16- 20…
Enhanced EU-Ukraine cooperation in Cybersecurity
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has formalised a Working Arrangement with Ukraine counterparts focused around capacity-building, best practices exchange and boosting situational awareness.
MEP Jutta Haug visits ENISA
MEP Jutta Haug has visited ENISA’s seat in Heraklion, Greece to learn more about the Agency’s work and future plans.
ENISA's new corporate 2013 video clip launched
"Everything is connected"
Udo Helmbrecht speaks on the “NIS directive and European security-related projects” at Vis!T 2014
ENISA’s Executive Director Udo Helmbrecht participated in the “NIS Direktive und Europäische sicherheitsrelevante Projekte” (NIS directive and European security-related projects) at the Vis!T 2014 Symposium.
E.DSO/ENCS/ENISA/ ENTSO-E Conference on Power Grids Cybersecurity
Join us for the 6th Edition of the Cybersecurity Event hosted by ENISA, titled "European energy grids' security in a changed landscape – closing the skills gap and getting prepared."
ENISA - celebrating Europe with Heraklion
Europe’s cyber security agency, ENISA is issuing an invitation to all, to join the festivities at the city of Heraklion’s Europe Day celebrations in the Venetian Loggia this Saturday (18th May) between 11.00am and 2.30pm. The event is organised…