On the 7th of November, young European white hat hackers will meet at Düsseldorf to measure their skills in attacking and defending computer systems.
Threathunt 2030: How to Hunt Down Emerging & Future Cyber Threats
Understanding emerging cybersecurity threats and future scenarios was the objective of “Threathunt 2030”, a new flagship conference organised by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity on Friday, 6th of May.
New CERT video clip online
ENISA launches a video clip on ENISA Computer Emergency Response Team [CERT] exercise material
EU agency ENISA analyses cyber security legislation & spots implementation gaps; incidents remain undetected or not reported
In a new paper the EU ‘cyber security’ agency ENISA takes a snapshot of existing and future EU legislation on security measures and incident reporting. The analysis underlines important steps forward, but also identifies gaps in national…
Extension pack to ENISA's CERT training portfolio
The Agency has published an updated and expanded, comprehensive set of CERTs exercises consisting of a Handbook for teachers, a Toolset for students, and supporting material for hands-on training.
EU Member States test their cybersecurity preparedness for fair and free 2019 EU elections
Today the European Parliament, the EU Member States, the European Commission and the EU Agency for cybersecurity (ENISA) organised an exercise to test the EU’s response and crisis plans for potential cybersecurity incidents affecting the EU…
ENISA in 2015 - Annual Report
ENISA releases its Annual Activity Report for 2015 giving an overview of ENISA’s operations and key activities on cyber security for the EU during the year.