Cyber Insurance: Recent Advances, Good Practices and Challenges
Demand Side of Cyber Insurance in the EU
Cyber Insurance - Models and methods and the use of AI
Commonality of risk assessment language in cyber insurance
Incentives and barriers of the cyber insurance market in Europe
ENISA conducted a study identifying possible causes inhibiting the cyber-insurance market in Europe and investigating incentives to kick –start its development. The Study analyses the structure and the characteristics of the market and includes a…
ENISA organises workshop on Cyber Insurance
ENISA is organising a work meeting with industry representatives to validate the findings and recommendations of its upcoming study on Cyber Insurance.
Cyber Insurance: Fitting the Needs of Operators of Essential Services?
ENISA and ITRE discuss cyber insurance
ENISA’s Expert, Dr. Konstantinos Moulinos, attended a meeting with various Members of the ITRE Committee to discuss cyber insurance, i.e. contracts which cover a broad range of issues relating to threats in cyberspace.
I say ransomware, you say crypto virus: the cyber-insurance language problem
ENISA publishes ‘Recommendations on cyber-insurance’, a study on the commonality of risk assessment language in cyber-insurance, which proposes recommendations for achieving a higher level of language harmonisation.
Cyber Insurance: A look at recent advances, good practices and challenges by ENISA
ENISA recognising the growing need of insurance companies and customers alike, developed a report, focusing on key developments, challenges, and an insurers’ pre-policy risk assessment.