Join us for the next European Cybersecurity Certification Conference happening in Warsaw under the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
9th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference
European standardisation supporting new legislative cybersecurity landscape
European Cybersecurity Skills Conference 2024
ENISA is pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the annual European Cybersecurity Skills Conference. The conference is co-organised with the Hungarian Presidency of EU council.
Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference
For A Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe
European Cybersecurity Skills Conference: Intensifying our efforts to close the cybersecurity skills gap in the EU
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in collaboration with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised the 3rd edition of the European Cybersecurity Skills Conference.
ENISA Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference: Joining forces for a cyber-secure and resilient digital single market
The central theme of the conference was the expansion of synergies in the field to achieve the shared goal of safeguarding the digital single market and its economy through a robust EU Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework.
The 2024 ERA-ENISA Conference on Railway Cybersecurity seeks to strengthen sector preparedness and resilience against current threats
Amidst emerging technology advancements and evolving security challenges in the sector, the fourth edition of the conference aims to explore the railway cybersecurity threats landscape.
Highlights of the Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference
1st Cybersecurity Awareness Raising Conference - Reframing Cybersecurity Awareness Raising
ENISA is pleased to announce its 1st Cybersecurity Awareness Raising Conference “REFRAMING CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS RAISING” which aims to explore the human side of cybersecurity communication.