Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISACs) - Cooperative models
Cross-Sector Exercise Requirements
Incentives and Barriers to Information Sharing
Given the acknowledged importance of information sharing, this report sets out findings from a research project into the barriers to and incentives for information sharing in the field of network and information security, in the context of peer-…
Report on Cyber Security Information Sharing in the Energy Sector
EU ISACS Summit 2024
ENISA is organising the 2024 edition of the EU ISACS Summit, which will be held on October 17-18 in Athens, at the ENISA premises.
2nd Inter-EU ISACs Meeting
EU Agency for Cybersecurity launches ISAC in a BOX Toolkit
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity launches today ISAC in a BOX a comprehensive online toolkit to support the establishment, development and evaluation of Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs).
1st Inter-EU ISACs meeting at ENISA
3rd General Assembly of the ER-ISAC Meetings (UPDATE)
Come join ENISA and EU FI-ISAC in November
The next EU Financial Institutes - Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (FI-ISAC) meeting will be held on 4-5 November, 2014 in London. This meeting focuses on critical security threats that the global financial services sector faces.