DNS Identity
This report provides a view of authentication and verification of domain name owners in the context of domain name registration. It identifies the security challenges, good practices, security controls and associated risks in the domain name…
Digital Identity Standards
This report gives an overview of the most important standards and standardisation organisations in this area. This information is useful for the novice, to find out what is available, but also for more experienced readers who might not be aware of…
Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks & Countermeasures
Remote identity proofing is a crucial element in creating trust for digital services. The present study analyses the collection and validation of evidence provided by the applicant to complete the verification of his or her identity. More…
ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Identity Theft
The report outlines the findings on identity theft, provides a description and analysis of the domain and lists relevant recent incidents. A series of proposed actions for mitigation is provided.
Digital Identity: Leveraging the SSI Concept to Build Trust
The maintenance of continuity in social life, businesses and administration has accelerated the reflection on the possibility of a need for such decentralised electronic identity. This report explores the potential of self-sovereign identity (SSI)…
Standardisation in the field of Electronic Identities and Trust Service Providers
This paper explains why standards are important for cyber security, specifically in the area of electronic identification and trust services providers. A number of challenges associated with the definition and deployment of standards in the area of…
Remote ID Proofing
This report provides an overview of the most common methods for identity proofing with some examples received by stakeholders, presents the current legal / regulatory landscape and supporting standards at the international and EU level and provides…
Remote ID Proofing - Good practices
Through this report, ENISA aims to enhance stakeholder awareness, facilitate risk analysis in evolving threat landscapes, and bolster trustworthiness in remote identity proofing methods.
Public Consultation on Specifications for EUICC Certification under the EUCC scheme
ENISA has published specifications for the evaluation and certification of embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Cards (eUICCs) under the European Common Criteria-based cybersecurity certification scheme (EUCC). Recognising the potential role of…
eID Authentication methods in e-Finance and e-Payment services - Current practices and Recommendations
This report collects the results of a survey launched by ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency). The main purpose of the survey has been to collect information about the electronic IDentity and Authentication Systems (eIDAS) used…