The EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA receives visit of its UK Management Board representatives
Heather Butler and Colin Whorlow, the UK representatives of ENISA’s Management Board, visited the Agency’s headquarters in Athens for a discussion with staff from the Core Operations Department (COD) on current activities and priorities.
ENISA supports CSIRT-CY in maturity assessment
On 7 March 2019, certified experts from ENISA, together with representative from the National Cybersecurity Centre of Portugal concluded the peer review process of assessing maturity level of National CSIRT of The Republic of Cyprus.
Why Security Concerns Drive Customers Towards Public DNS Resolvers
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) analyses the security pros and cons of using public DNS resolvers.
Germany - Federal Government approves draft IT Security Act
Report on IT security situation in Germany published
ENISA looks into the Crystal Ball: a report on emerging technologies and security challenges
ENISA has produced the first version of a report that provides an overview of key emerging technologies and their associated security challenges, and aims to identify future security issues associated with these technologies.
ENISA at CeBIT: Supporting industry in the new EU legal framework on cybersecurity
ENISA’s Executive Director delivered the keynote speech on "European and national rules and regulations in the field of cyber security' today 14th March at CEBIT.