Online Tracking and User Protection Mechanisms
ENISA decided to provide a study on online tracking and relevant user protection mechanisms, paying particular attention to user consent, privacy settings and the implementation of the Do-Not-Track (DNT) standard.
Indispensable baseline security requirements for the procurement of secure ICT products and services
This short paper can be of use to suppliers and procurement officers when planning, offering and purchasing ICT products, systems and services. It is meant as a practical, technologically neutral document with clear, simple and sector-agnostic…
Auditing Framework for TSPs
This report provides an overview of the dedicated means of auditing for TSPs. It discusses specifically the following areas: standards applicable to TSPs and Conformity Assessment Bodies (auditors), methodology of auditing TSPs (off- and on-site),…
Remote ID Proofing
This report provides an overview of the most common methods for identity proofing with some examples received by stakeholders, presents the current legal / regulatory landscape and supporting standards at the international and EU level and provides…
Trusted e-ID infrastructures and services in EU
ENISA has conducted a survey about the security mechanisms used by TSPs (Trust Service Providers) in Europe, and their interoperability, under the scope of the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic…
Inventory of CERT activities in Europe
This document aims to provide an overview on the actual situation concerning CERT matters in Europe. It provides a list of response teams and similar facilities by country, but also contains a catalogue of co-operation, support and standardisation…
Recommendations for the security of CAM
The aim of this report is to provide a high-level overview of the cybersecurity challenges in the CAM sector and to highlight both the concerned CAM actors and associated recommendations. Cybersecurity in the CAM ecosystem is partially standardised…
Good Practices for an EU ICS Testing Coordination Capability
There is growing interest in ICS security testing in Europe. This has led to the current situation in which several initiatives have emerged. Unfortunately, they are mostly considered immature, with poor or no coordination between them and room for…
Post-Quantum Cryptography - Integration study
With this report ENISA seeks to give insight on post-standardisation challenges. As a follow-up to ENISA’s 2021 Post-Quantum Cryptography: Current state and quantum mitigation study, the new report explores the necessity to design new cryptographic…
Cybersecurity Stocktaking in the CAM
In this document, the CAM ecosystem and insights involving stakeholder interactions, critical services and infrastructures, standards, as well as security measures are described. The insights gained from the survey, interviews, and desk research…