The Governor of Crete Mr Arnaoutakis met with the Executive Director of ENISA Prof. Helmbrecht to discuss local, current issues.
ENISA launches a tool which maps security measures for OES to international standards
ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity conducted research on international security standards per sector in order to design this new tool intended to map security measures for Operators of Essential Services (OES) to international…
Reporting on Threathunt 2030: Navigating the future of the cybersecurity threat landscape
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised the 2024 edition of the ‘Threathunt 2030’ in Athens, the flagship conference on cybersecurity threats foresight.
Cybersecurity in Railways Conference: Key Takeaways
The ENISA-ERA Conference: “Cybersecurity in Railways” presented the latest cybersecurity developments and highlighted the main challenges in the field.
New Light Shed on Capabilities in Energy & Healthcare
A new report released today by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) showcases the product vulnerability management landscape, unveiling challenges faced by sectoral CSIRTs and PSIRTs.
Davos: Commissioner and VP Kroes; speech on the forthcoming Cybersecurity Strategy for the EU -mentions ENISA
Yesterday, 24/01, Commissioner and Vice President Neelie Kroes made a key note speech in Davos, on the forthcoming Cyber Security Strategy of the EU, and mentioned ENISA in this context.
ENISA wins award for Excellence in innovation-transformation at EU Ombudsman Award for Good Administration
The EU’s Agency for cyber security, ENISA, received the EU Ombudsman Award for Good Administration for Excellence in Innovation – Transformation at the ceremony which took place today Thursday 30th March, in Brussels.
ENISA at CODE conference: we need to build on trust and security for a connected world
ENISA participated at the 3rd annual meeting of the Research Centre of Cyber Defence (CODE) which took place at the University of the Bundeswehr on the 15th and 16th June, 2016.
Happy International Women's Day from all of us at ENISA!
Today 8 March 2019, ENISA celebrates International Women’s Day by acknowledging and praising the invaluable contribution that women bring to cybersecurity in the European Union.