Cybersecurity – The Right Medicine for the eHealth Sector
On 14 November 2018, ENISA organised the fourth eHealth Security Conference ‘Towards a medical cybersecurity landscape’ in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Health.
Register for workshop on cybersecurity in eHealth
ENISA together with the Austria/Vienna Hospital Association is organising the second ENISA eHealth workshop to support the Member States and raise awareness and on the topic.
7th eHealth Security Conference
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is organising the 7th eHealth Security Conference, in collaboration with the Danish Health Data Authority. Following 2 years of virtual events, this conference will be a full-day physical event, hosted by…
eHealth Conference: Sector Matures in terms of Cybersecurity but not fast enough
Organised with the support of the Danish Health Data Authority, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) hosted the 7th eHealth conference on the latest developments in policy and emerging challenges of the evolving threat landscape.
eHealth Security Conference 2020 Online Series #1
Session 1: Cybersecurity in Healthcare in times of a pandemic
eHealth Security Conference 2020 Online Series #2
Session 2: Cybersecurity in COVID19 tracing mobile apps
Lisbon hosts European eHealth cybersecurity conference
On 15 November 2017, the third eHealth Security Conference on ‘Protecting the Hospital of Tomorrow’ was held at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon. The event was co-organized by the EU Cybersecurity ENISA and the Portuguese…
Save the Date: 4th e-Health Security Conference
ENISA is organising the 4th eHealth Security workshop in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, on the 14th of November.
Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Incident Response Spotlighted at European Security Event
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity and the Danish Health Data Authority are joining forces again this month, introducing the final session of the 2020 eHealth Security Conference to examine incident response procedures across Europe’s health system.