This document presents the EU RM toolbox, a solution proposed by ENISA to address interoperability concerns related to the use of information security RM methods. The toolbox aims to facilitate the smooth integration of various RM methods in an…
Interoperable EU Risk Management Framework
This report proposes a methodology for assessing the potential interoperability of risk management (RM) frameworks and methodologies and presents related results. The methodology used to evaluate interoperability stemmed from extensive research of…
Compendium of Risk Management Frameworks with Potential Interoperability
This report presents the results of desktop research and the analysis of currently used
cybersecurity Risk Management (RM) frameworks and methodologies with the potential
for interoperability. The identification of the most prominent RM frameworks…
Security Issues in Cross-border Electronic Authentication
Improving the interoperability of electronic identification and authentication systems is a European task and a task for all Member States. Considerable efforts have been made in several projects to face the challenges of pan-European…
Detect, SHARE, Protect - Solutions for Improving Threat Data Exchange among CERTs
The focus of this report is on the threat and incident information exchange and sharing practices used among CERTs in Europe, especially, but not limited to, national/governmental CERTs.
It aims at:
- Taking stock of existing communication…
Implementation of article 15
E-Government services have significant potential to make public services more efficient for the benefit of citizens and businesses in terms of time and money. And while these benefits are increasingly being felt nationally, e-Government services…
Trusted e-ID infrastructures and services in EU
ENISA has conducted a survey about the security mechanisms used by TSPs (Trust Service Providers) in Europe, and their interoperability, under the scope of the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic…
Digital Identity: Leveraging the SSI Concept to Build Trust
The maintenance of continuity in social life, businesses and administration has accelerated the reflection on the possibility of a need for such decentralised electronic identity. This report explores the potential of self-sovereign identity (SSI)…
Trusted e-ID Infrastructures and services in the EU - Recommendations for Trusted Provision of e-Government services
Under the scope of the the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, which will supersede the current Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic…
How to achieve the Interoperability of EU Risk Management Frameworks
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) issues an analysis of the interoperability potential of cybersecurity risk management frameworks and methodologies to improve decision-making.