Save the date for ENISA's CTI conference 2024!
Save the date for ENISA's CTI conference 2024!
From theory to practice: How do we get it right? How do we get it right in time?
ENISA is pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the annual European Cybersecurity Skills Conference. The conference is co-organised with the Hungarian Presidency of EU council.
On the 25th September, ENISA in collaboration with the European Commission organises, for the 10th consecutive year, the Trust Services and eID Forum. On the 26th September, D-TRUST in cooperation with TÜViT will hold the sixteenth CA-Day.
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting
EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2
2024 edition of the Threathunt 2030 conference, the ENISA flagship conference focused on the emerging cybersecurity threats of the future and on how the Union and Member States can best foresee, identify, prevent and respond to future challenges…
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting
Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting