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The latest EQR is online!

The new issue of ENISA's EQR , Vol 6 issue1, 2010 is now available online.

Behavioural biometrics briefing launched

ENISA has launched a Briefing paper on security and authentication aspects of behavioural biometrics.

Global security - CERTs in Africa & ENISA

ENISA in conjunction with other international security bodies supported CERTs training at a cyber security workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.

Towards the 1st Pan European CIIP exercise

Member States achieved another significant step forward towards conducting the first pan European Exercise on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) at the 2nd workshop in Brussels, on 11, March. The exercises will be testing the…

Train the trainers - SMEs security

Training material, together with 'train-the-trainer reference guides' have been created by ENISA for small and medium enterprises (SME)s. The objective is to assist trainers to raise awareness among SME employees about crucial issues regarding e-…

Awareness Raising material -now available in German & French

More awareness raising material has now been translated into German and French, including the main Awareness Raising web pages themselves.

How to deploy DNSSEC?

A new "Good Practices Guide for deploying DNSSEC” for information security managers and National Agencies has been published by the Agency.

New language versions of key documents

The Work Programme 2010 is now available in German and French. Moreover, the Computer Emergency Response Team -CERTs- exercise material is online in Spanish.

10 Internet Safety tips for Parents/Employees online

ENISA has published two flyers with 10 hands-on, Internet safety tips and advice: one for Parents, and one for Employees.