Report on Cyber Security Information Sharing in the Energy Sector
7th E.DSO/EE-ISAC/ENCS/ENISA Cybersecurity Forum
From theory to practice: How do we get it right? How do we get it right in time?
ENISA is working towards a cyber secure and resilient Health Sector in the EU.
E.DSO/ENCS/ENISA/ ENTSO-E Conference on Power Grids Cybersecurity
7th Cybersecurity Forum: Power grids cybersecurity ascending to prominence
The Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), the European Energy Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (EE-ISAC), the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)…
ENISA is contributing in strengthening the cybersecurity of the EU's energy infrastructure and safeguarding critical operations.
eHealth Security Conference 2020 Online Series #2
Session 2: Cybersecurity in COVID19 tracing mobile apps
7th eHealth Security Conference
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is organising the 7th eHealth Security Conference, in collaboration with the Danish Health Data Authority. Following 2 years of virtual events, this conference will be a full-day physical event, hosted by…