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Scheduled web maintenance: 2/10

A scheduled maintenance will occur on Friday, 2 October.

alive-IT Tool

The Business Continuity tool alive-IT of Controll-IT GmbH has been added to the inventory of Business Continuity tools.

Update of STREAM Tool

The tool SREAM has been updated in the inventory of RM/RA tools

Guide to mitigate vulnerabilities, threats & cyber attacks

ENISA launches Guide on sharing information to mitigate network security vulnerabilities, threats and cyber attacks

ENISA warns: increase in ATM crime

ENISA warns of alarming increase in ATM crime

Time to advise Europe on security

Call for new Experts to the EU Agency ENISA’s Permanent Stakeholders’ Group

eID-privacy features in French

French version of the ENISA eID-privacy features paper published

AR London event

Excellent feedback to the ENISA Awareness Raising event hosted by Thomson Reuters. The London meeting on 19th of June has received first-rate responses on joint efforts both in awareness and information value. A brand new AR video campaign has been…

Improving Resilience: 3 recommendations.

ENISA issues three recommendations in reports on technologies to improve resilience of communication networks

Self Assessed Risk Management (SARM)

ENISA announces availability of a draft report and beta version of tool on Risk Management